Blog > Winter Gardening in Charleston

Winter Gardening in Charleston

by Judi Marcus

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I really enjoy gardening and every season brings different challenges! This year my husband and I built a raised garden bed in the fall.  We bought the wood at Lowe's along with cow manure and compost (I did save and use my coffee grinds and cracked egg hells and anything that seemed good for my compost pile. I also added leaves). We purchased and used good quality raised bed soil and mixed it all together.

First, we put black ground fabric inside the bed under the soil to prevent weeds and also nutrients from being washed away. We made sure to clear the bed of any weeds, plus I wasn’t sure what to grow knowing the cold weather was coming so I tried different vegetables and herbs testing out what to grow.

I planted an assortment of seeds and baby plants. I planted dill and parsley and that did great! The basil died - too cold. I planted cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, leaf lettuce, and kale and all of these are flourishing except the bok choy died.
I planted eggplant and gherkins and carrots, and they are taking a long time to grow but are still alive.

We used row hoops and blanket covers for freeze protection, putting them over the plants in my garden.  
Here it is January and we’ve been eating the lettuce and kale from the garden it is so sweet and delicious! The cauliflower started to form and so is the cabbage. The broccoli was amazing too and still growing more.
I’m still learning but If you have any questions I would be happy to talk with you.  Happy Gardening!!!

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