Blog > Are You Doing Everything to Protect Your Home?

Are You Doing Everything to Protect Your Home?

by Chris Syffus

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Are You Doing Everything to Protect Your Home?

Protecting your family and property are probably some of the most important duties you have. There are many ways to secure your home, and, in this post, I am going to discuss a few options which can help you protect your family and home.

  • Keeping your doors locked at all times.
         o This will assist in delaying or deterring someone from illegally entering your home.
  • Avoid leaving windows on the ground floor open when you’re not home.
         o This will make it harder for someone to gain entry into your home.
  • Do not put boxes from high valued items on the curb for pick up, break them down, and put inside a trash can or take to a recycling facility.
         o Leaving these items on the curb will let everyone know what you have on the inside of your home.
  • Keep tree branches trimmed, so they are not right near the home.
         o Branches next to the home can make it easier for someone to climb and enter into your home from a higher level.
  • Avoid tall shrubbery from surrounding the home.
         o This can make a great hiding place for attempting to break into your home.

If you have a question, please feel free to post them. Stay tuned for more tips in the future.

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