Blog > Check out these POI in McClellanville

Check out these POI in McClellanville

by Donna Andreano

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The Cottage McClellanvilleIf you haven't been to the quaint town of McClellanville, you should definitely plan a day trip...or longer! 

McClellanville is a small fishing town with a population of under 600 people - yes, under 600! It's approximately 2.4 sq miles. After the Civil War it produced timber, rice and cotton but it is primarily known for it's shrimp fleets and seafood.

You can read more about McClellanville here: Town of McClellanville

There's Blue Pearl Farms wine, honey and more, T.W. Graham's Seafood Restaurant 'the place to eat'. Andrew Zimmern enjoyed the fresh, local seafood, and The Cottage with local art and clothing. 

The ride is scenic and the town is decorated with Live Oaks that are absolutely beautiful. Right out of a movie scene - literally, Sophie and the Rising Sun was filmed in McClellanville.

You will most likely fall in love with the homes and the small town, southern architecture so keep my number handy. You can contact me and I'll meet you there and show you some of the homes you may be interested in! Your Home In Charleston

Donna Andreano

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