Blog > Staying Encouraged in Multiple Offer Situations

Staying Encouraged in Multiple Offer Situations

by Christy Siegling

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I’ll start off with the most important fact about winning in a multiple offer situation… It is possible.

Let that set in… it is possible.

Although this market can be tough on buyers, please don’t give up! As a buyer, you’ll need to utilize coping skills as you house hunt because the hurry-up & wait experience can be challenging. Time is of the essence when touring and submitting offers, but then you’re oftentimes waiting on the edge of your seat for the seller’s response. Whether it’s praying, listening to music, exercising, venting to a friend or your trusted Realtor, or deep breathing - there will be moments you’ll be glad you have your stress management plan ready. A go-to for me is spending time with my dog, Heehaw.

The great news when it comes to navigating real estate… Heehaw & I have your back!

So what does a Realtor do to make your offer the most attractive in the eyes of the seller? Price matters, but is not the sole factor. The entire offer needs to be streamlined demonstrating the “best” terms possible. Some considerations are to remove contingencies when possible, tighten up on timelines as able, ensure the contract is presented in a clear way, and not complicate the deal with special requests. Your agent should communicate with the Listing Agent to ask about seller preferences. Integrating seller preferences when able helps make your offer even more attractive (i.e. using their preferred closing date, etc.)

I hope the above offers some starter ideas, but, of course, I can’t give away all the secrets. Just please know there are lots of creative ways to help your offer compete, and I’d love to guide you through those in the future. 

Ready to take a step today to ensure your offer stands out? Call or text me today! I’m here to help, and we can discuss your individual situation to better identify what options are available to you.

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