Blog > TERMITE BOND - highly recommended

TERMITE BOND - highly recommended

by Ute Appleby

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What is a Termite Bond? 

A termite bond is a contract between a home owner and a termite control company. The bond allows the homeowner to pay what is essentially a retainer fee to a pest control company. The bond outlines the frequency and type of treatment to be provided, and may include re-treatment and repair guarantees at no additional charge.

Bonds may be offered during the home inspection process, when a home is sold or after treatment has been provided for an active infestation.

Bond terms can vary by company and state and are dependent on termite activity levels. Some bonds cover only re-treatment. Other bonds cover re-treatment and repairs for termite damage after treatment is provided. A careful documentation of a home inspection is required to demonstrate when the damage began and if it is related to the treatment provided. Some termite treatments offer control of active infestations only  but not future infestations. 

Typically, the terms of the bond dictate that a pest management professional will inspect the home quarterly or annually, all depending on the treatment provided.

Do you need a Termite Bond? Termites damage approximately 600,000 homes in the US each year. Homeowners insurance rarely covers this damage. In parts of the country where termite infestations are particularly likely, a termite bond with a reputable pest control company can help protect your home from potential termite damage.

If a termite inspector finds no signs of termite activity, one might think that a termite bond is not necessary. However, similar to home insurance, termite bonds are valuable in the protection they provide in case of an infestation. A termite bond can provide peace of mind that your home is being inspected regularly by professionals to reduce the risk of damage by termites.

Cost of a Termite Bond
The cost of termite bonds varies depending on the terms of the bond, type of species covered by the bond, treatment included, region and pest control company. Two important considerations when purchasing a bond include transferability in case of sale of home, and longevity and stability of the bond provider. If the pest control company moves or goes out of business, your bond may not be honored by another company.

Looking to buy or sell, pls consider to work with an experiences local realtor. You can find me at or call me at 843-345-2625

Ute Lisa Appleby, Realtor
Real Estate/Leasing/Property Management

cell:    843.345.2625      efax843.725.6501

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